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Once a year, HCTA opens the application window for our bargaining committee. This is the opportunity for members interested in helping to shape teacher working conditions to get actively involved! 

Members of the committee are selected based on their experience and knowledge of the HCTA contract, areas of assignment which are under-represented at the bargaining table, and willingness to commit to participation in training and attendance in regular bargaining sessions scheduled weeknights and through summer months.

This is YOUR chance to BE part of the work that makes a difference in every


10/23/23 Bargaining Update

In an abbreviated bargaining session, the parties reached agreement on increasing the Board match for health insurance for the 2024 calendar year. The District will provide an additional $53.06 each month, bringing the total monthly contribution to $735.10 for employee insurance. This improvement covers increases to the "Employee Only" premiums for all plans and will ensure that more of this year's negotiated salary improvements remain in our members' pockets!

The agreement will be brought to the unit for ratification in November.

8/31/23 Bargaining Update


With six (6) proposals exchanged over the course of a three and a half hour bargaining session, the HCTA and HCSD instructional salary negotiations culminated in a tentative agreement and a plan to move 2023-24 pay raises swiftly to ratification.

This year's agreement provides a $2,600 market adjustment for returning instructional staff who worked half a year plus one day in the 2022-23 school year. Pay for performance will add $100 for Highly Effective instructional staff and $50 for Effective instructional staff. New hires and those who worked less than half a year in the 2022-23 school year will receive a $500 bump and up to $500 more based on experience. The new starting teacher pay for Hernando Schools will be $49,500.

Instructional staff have already seen a portion of their compensation improved for the 2023-24 school year with the recalculation of referendum supplements paid through the additional millage approved by voters in 2020. Previously negotiated to assist with retention, this supplement is calculated annually based on experience in Hernando Schools. 

Beyond salary improvements, HCTA and HCSD have found agreement on additional duty supplements, funding positions to support early career educators, and compensation for splitting of classes. In total, the economic adjustments represents an investment of more than $5.859 million into the instructional bargaining unit.

Ratification voting will be held at worksites across the district on September 18th, with the School Board expected to ratify on September 19th. Details of time and location for voting will be announced by HCTA Worksite Leaders. All employees of the instructional unit are eligible to vote during contract ratification.

8/17/23 Bargaining Update

Union and District teams exchanged salary proposals, making limited progress toward a settlement for 2023-24 instructional raises.

HCTA opened the session with clarifying questions around recalculation of referendum supplements and the implementation of previously TA'd supplements in the contract. It was clarified that recalculation of the 23-24 referendum supplements is complete and that increased revenue generated by the referendum will result in increases for all experience bands. The total will be prorated across the remaining checks beginning with the 8/21/23 pay date.  These supplements, funded by the voter approved mil, have been bargained as retention supplements tied to years of experience in Hernando Schools.

The HCSD team countered HCTA's previous salary proposal with an offer which includes distribution of Teacher Salary Increase funds as pay for performance and a flat $950 market adjustment for returning teachers who earned a year of service credit in the 2022-23 school year. 

HCTA responded with a proposal seeking 4.5% market adjustment for all returning teachers, in addition to the TSIA funds distributed as pay for performance.

The District's final counter-offer of the evening improved the flat adjustment to $1,100 for all returning teachers. 

It was acknowledged that insurance increases were to be expected, though no speculation of how much was given. HCTA posited that salary improvements would only be meaningful to employees if rising insurance costs didn't consume most of it, and pressed for the District to consider the benefit of offering the market adjustment as a percentage rather than a flat amount.

The parties adjourned for the evening and have agreed to return to the table on August 31st@5pm. HCTA reminds members that bargaining sessions are open to observers and encourages their presence for these discussions. 

​HCTA and HCSD bargaining teams returned to the table to continue 2023-24 contract discussions on July 27th.

The HCSD team opened the session with a proposal for two supplemental positions funded by Title I to pay instructional staff at Title I schools to provide support for documenting compliance with Title I requirements and planning and supporting Title I family engagement events. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by both parties.

The District team also shared two new job descriptions within the instructional unit. One was for an instructional position to serve as District


2023-24 Salary Proposals

HCSD (6.19.23) HCTA (7.27.23)

TSIA Funds Only

$900    - Grandfathered (PSC)

$1,200 - Highly Effective (AC)

$800    - Effective (AC)

$500    - Base Salary (move Starting Pay to $49,500)           

TSIA Funds

$900    - Grandfathered (PSC)

$1,200 - Highly Effective (AC)

$800    - Effective (AC)

$500    - Base Salary (move Starting Pay to $49,500

Market Adjustment

5% All Returning Teachers

+$500 Base Salary (move Starting Pay to $50,000)



6/19/23 Bargaining Session

HCTA and HCSD bargaining teams returned to the table at the district office for what proved to be a very productive four-hour bargaining session resulting in six (6) tentative agreements. Several priority items for HCTA were addressed, including academic supplement improvements, a compensation plan for teachers receiving students when classes are split for sub coverage, and another three-year extension of the contract.

Recognizing that retention of alt cert educators and support for new teachers is a critical component of addressing staff shortages, the parties agreed to a one-year plan to fund two instructional mentor positions. HCTA and HCSD will review the overall progress of the initiative in the Spring to determine future funding for these two positions. Additionally, mentor teacher supplements will be improved from $175 per mentee each semester to $750 per mentee each semester. The parties will review Appendix H - Mentoring Guidelines to make any necessary revisions.

Finally, the District offered a proposal for the distribution of Teacher Salary Increase Allocation funds. As required by the state, the plan for distribution of these funds must be reported to the state by no later than October 1, 2023. HCTA is reviewing the proposal and will be prepared to respond at the next bargaining session scheduled for July 27th.

As a reminder, bargaining sessions are open to the public. The next session is scheduled for July 27th (1:00pm) @ the district school board office.

6/6/23 Bargaining Update

Union and District teams met at NCTHS for the first bargaining session of the summer break. Determined to move forward with the items presented by teachers through this year's bargaining survey, HCTA placed five more proposals on the table for consideration. These proposals address: splitting of classes, class size issues, extra class supplements, athletic flex supplements, and expansion of critical shortage supplements to include Tier III Reading and ESE Self-Contained.

The District presented the 2023-24 MOU for the teacher evaluation manual (EMART) and offered clarification of initiatives intended to support alt cert and new educators. In an effort to create a 'teacher pipeline', the District team outlined a new Associate Teacher program which would allow new hires with an associate degree to attain a bachelor degree and certification while working in what is described as a 'teacher apprenticeship'. 

The parties signed the 2023-24 EMART MOU, however the District was not prepared to respond to any of the new proposals HCTA presented and they declined to sign the extension of the contract without HCTA's agreement on funding for additional positions in HR to support certification and new educator requirements. HCTA's lead negotiators shared their frustration with the District's position noting that the contract extension delay had already delayed long overdue increases for Adult Ed which had been bargained in January. 

HCTA remains hopeful that the next bargaining sessions can be more productive. The parties will resume bargaining on June 19th (2pm) at the District Office.

1/11/23 Bargaining Update

1/11/23 Bargaining Session

HCTA and HCSD tentatively agreed to the following:

  • An increase for the hourly rate for Adult Education Supplemental Pay for Additional Duties.  The last increase for this Additional Duty dates back to 2003.
  • Fixed an error of omission that occurred in the last ratification of the Athletic Supplement table. MS Equity supplements now appear in the overall spreadsheet, and have been adjusted to the 5% increase (the omission DID NOT affect any pay for supplements this year, as the district is honoring the amount of the supplement as amended)

HCTA also brought forward a proposal regarding protected time during pre-school, seeking a limit to directed activities and prioritizing classroom planning and preparation for opening the school year.


Additional Duty Pay - Adult Ed

Athletic Supplements - MS Equity

2022-23 Contract Bargaining

9-13-22 Bargaining Update

The parties returned to West Hernando Middle School to continue economic discussions and significant progress was made toward settlement. Both sides agreed to the methodology outlined in the HCTA proposal, though the final settlement on economics could not be reached without finalization of costs for 2023 health insurance. The joint Health Insurance Benefits committee is scheduled to convene on September 21st. A bargaining session has been scheduled for the evening of the 21st and the parties are hopeful that a final agreement can be reached at that time.

8-25-22 Bargaining Update

In response to the District’s request to clarify language regarding compensation for part-time eSchool teachers, HCTA presented a proposal which offered both clarification and a much-needed increase in the completer bonus paid for each successful student completion per semester. The parties reached agreement, moving the bonus from $75 to $100 per successful completion.

Changes to the state’s timeline for application of UniSig Grants necessitated a minor adjust to the previously signed MOU. The new agreement can be viewed HERE.

The District bargaining team did not return a formal proposal in response to HCTA’s economic opener presented on August 2nd, but did share that the Board had approved $4.3million for salary improvements in the instructional unit. The District affirmed that the bonus portion of the HCTA proposal could be paid from non-recurring ESSER funds, however the amount still falls about $2.3million short of HCTA’s initial proposal.

In consideration of economic improvements, the District noted that the approved $4.3million increase is equal to the amount already bargained for increases in the education support personnel unit (HUSW). They also noted that the Board is preparing for significant increases in health insurance costs for 2023; more information will likely be available following the meeting of the Insurance Committee next week.

The parties will return to bargaining on September 13th.


Economic Proposal Comparisons:



  • Raise minimum teacher salary to $48,500
  • Provide New Hire First Year Recruitment and Retention Bonus payable at conclusion of 2022-23 contract:
    • $1000 for 5-9 years verified teaching experience
    • $2000 for 10+ years verified teaching experience
  • $3800 Market Adjustment for all returning instructional staff
  • Pay for Performance
    • $150 for Highly Effective
    • $100 for Effective

TOTAL Package (including fringe): $6,465,960

*Athletic Supplements and PT eSchool payment increase submitted as separate proposals for consideration

  • Undefined raise minimum salary
  • Undefined Market Adjustment for returning staff
  • Pay for Performance - $50 Effective, $100 Highly Effective
  • Improvement to Athletic Supplements considered part of the salary deal
  • Increase in part-time eSchool payments also considered part of the salary deal

Cost of recurring salary improvements not to exceed (including fringe): $4,300,000



8-2-22 Bargaining Update

HCTA presented an economic opener seeking an across-the-board market adjustment for all returning instructional staff. In light of the 140 instructional vacancies, HCTA also proposed a more modest increase to new teacher pay to keep pay competitive for recruiting. The total proposal seeks to add more than $7million to the instructional payroll.

The District presented a MOU covering payment of UniSig Grant premium pay for qualifying educators teaching at Eastside Elementary for the 2022-23 school year. With minimal clarifications, HCTA and HCSD reached agreement on this MOU.

Items still under discussion include: Athletic Supplements, compensation for part-time eSchool teachers, and a District proposal to limit mid-year transfers.

Contract negotiations for the 2022-23 contract have begun!

On June 21st, HCTA and HCSD bargaining teams returned to the bargaining to kick off contract negotiations for the school year ahead. Opening proposals which were quickly tentatively agreed to by both parties include:

Both the HCTA and HCSD bargaining teams brought additional proposals to the table for consideration, though immediate agreements could not be reached.

Following more than 12 months of employee surveys, analysis of comparative districts' supplement schedules, and intense committee deliberation, the HCTA bargaining team presented a proposal seeking to rebalance and improve upon athletic supplements. HCTA also shared a proposal which would offer compensation to teachers providing sub coverage by receiving students split from other classrooms. 

Additional proposals from the District seek to clarify existing compensation practices for part-time eSchool teachers and limit mid-year transfers for members of the instructional unit. 

The parties will return to the table to continue contract negotiations on August 2nd @1pm.