February 15, 2021
HCTA Announces Seating of Candidates by Acclamation
In accordance with the governing documents of our association, the following qualified candidates who were the sole nominee for each post at the close of the nomination window have been seated by acclamation:
Lisa Masserio, President
Jennifer Campbell, 2nd Vice President
Melinda Cook, Secretary
Patti Greenwood, Treasurer
Tina Vieira, HS Director
Michael Lawless, MS Director
Roni Smith, ES Director
Dana Blazsek, ES Director
Danyl Williams, At Large Director
The following nominees for Delegate to the FEA DA have also been seated by acclamation: Lisa Masserio, Jennifer Campbell, Melinda Cook, Patti Greenwood, Michael Lawless, Roni Smith, Lucy Tucker, Jennifer Myers, Adam Maternowski, Lynda Karczewski, Lyndell Hudson, Lisa Hard, Jackie Cross, Greg Champagne, Joseph Bristol, Crissi Brandhuber,Jennifer Gompers, Charlene Francisco, Maria Gebhardt, Nancy Jacobs, and Tiffany Ertle.
On the ballot for worksite elections in March:
For the FEA Delegate Assembly, four (4) alternate delegates seats remain open. The March worksite election ballots will include a write-in ballot for the FEA Delegate Assembly. The Elections Committee will determine the order of seating of write-in candidates by random drawing.
HCTA is allocated four delegates for the NEA Representative Assembly, with the President of HCTA automatically seated. The following candidates will be on the ballot for the three (3) remaining seats: Greg Champagne, Patti Greenwood, Michael Lawless, Jennifer Myers, Roni Smith and Tina Vieira.
Additionally, the following HCTA members will appear on the ballot for NEA RA State Delegate: Greg Champagne, Patti Greenwood, Michael Lawless, Jennifer Myers, Roni Smith and Tina Vieira.